Brown Bag Sessions

Please join us from 12:15 to 1:30 pm approximately twice a month on Wednesday afternoons between September and May for our Works-in-Progress Brown Bag Series. Works-in-Progress papers are circulated in advance. For copies or Zoom links, please contact


Opera, Pantomime, and Circus in late 18th-century Montréal

Brown Bag Session
Elizabeth Rouget, Princeton University
Oct 23, 2024 at -

Elizabeth Rouget is a PhD candidate at Princeton University completing her dissertation titled “Dance as Translation: Establishing French Opéra-Comique, Ballet, and Circus in Early North America, 1780-1810.” Following…

Domestic Carceral Labor: Race, Gender, and the Transformation of Punishment at Eastern State Penitentiary

Brown Bag Session
Whitney Fields, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Nov 20, 2024 at -

Whitney N. Fields is a PhD Candidate in History at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. She received a B.A. in History and American Studies from the College of William and Mary in 2015. Her work combines carceral studies,…

Mutable Materiality: The Art of Devotion in the Early Modern Afro-Iberian Atlantic

Brown Bag Session
Nathalie Miraval, Yale University
Dec 4, 2024 at -

Nathalie Miraval is a PhD Candidate in the Art History Department at Yale University. Her research focuses on the spiritual expressive cultures of the early modern Afro-Iberian Atlantic, with a focus on gender and race…