McNeil Center News
Where is Early America? | 1-3 May 2025
The McNeil Center for Early American Studies is pleased to announce a state of the field conference, to be held in May of 2025.
Upcoming Events
Paradise of Women: Sex, Labor, and Utopianism at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century
Friday Seminar
Elizabeth Hewitt, The Ohio State University
“Our Coming to America”: Remembering the Middle Passage in the Colored Conventions
Brown Bag Session
Courtney Murray, Pennsylvania State University
About the McNeil Center
Established as the Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies in 1978, and renamed in honor of its benefactor Robert L. McNeil, Jr., in 1998, the McNeil Center facilitates scholarly inquiry into the histories and cultures of North America in the Atlantic world before 1850, with a particular but by no means exclusive emphasis on the mid-Atlantic region.