
Paying by the Hundreds and Thousands: Sugar Money in Barbados, 1640-1713

Brown Bag Session
Teanu Reid, Yale University
Feb 2, 2022 at - | Zoom

Teanu Reid

Papers are circulated in advance. For copies, please contact the McNeil Center office. Until further notice, brownbags will convene via Zoom only.


Teanu (pronounced Tiana) Reid is a joint Ph.D. student in History and African American Studies at Yale University. Her dissertation project explores the hidden economic activities of enslaved and free people of color in Barbados, Jamaica, and South Carolina from 1670-1770. She examines how African descended people participated in local Atlantic economies not only as laborers but also as sellers and consumers, as they tried to sustain themselves under the harsh circumstances of slavery and living within slave societies. In this discussion, Reid asks, how did “money” itself – and the things used as money in the seventeenth and eighteenth-century British Atlantic world – further constrain the economic activities of both free and enslaved people of color?